A Walking Discussion Geological Tour of Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh 29th July
- with Robert Gatliff
Led by Robert Gatliff , this is the first of two summer outings which will last 2-3 hours and will be informal gathering of members to meetoutside in the fresh air to enjoy some much needed company away from computer screens and a step forward towards a new normality.
We will walk 3-4km around Arthur’s Seat starting from outside the Scottish Parliament and finishing at the base of Salisbury Crags at a locality made famous by James Hutton.

EH8 8AZ Map
Thu 29 Jul 2021 | 4:00 PM - Edinburgh
A Walking Discussion Geological Tour of Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh 29th July, - with Robert Gatliff
Members only Field Trip
Robert Gatliff is a previous President of the Edinburgh Geological Society and a trustee of the new Scottish Geology Trust. Formerly Director of Energy and Marine Geoscience at the British Geological Survey, a previous Board Member of the Scottish Oil Club, and currently the Editor of The Edinburgh Geologist, the magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society.
This summer outing will last 2-3 hours and is an informal gathering of members to meet outside in the fresh air and enjoy some much needed company away from computer screens and a step forward towards a new normality. We will walk 3-4km around Arthur’s Seat starting from outside the Scottish Parliament and finishing at the base of Salisbury Crags at a locality made famous by James Hutton.
During the walk, the geology of Arthur’s seat will be explained and at a series of stops we will take in the spectacular views and take time to consider the geological history of Edinburgh, how it has affected the development of the city and its people and how the city could adapt to climate change, rising sea levels, and develop a new approach to building a sustainable future.
Please bring robust footwear as the ground can be uneven in places and a waterproof would be advisable.
Parking is available at the Queens Drive/ Holyrood entrance to Arthur’s Seat