Annual Dinner 2021
SEF Board announcement
Update 18Dec20
At our meeting last week, the SEF Board further reviewed and debated the practicalities of holding our Annual Dinner in 2021. Members will be aware we had already deferred the traditional dinner in February which coincided with the rugby international. Instead, we slipped it to May to allow for more time to review the impact of COVID-19 and plan the event.
The Board has reluctantly concluded that since we are unable to deliver an event with anything like the usual ambiance and scale whilst social distancing measures are in place to ensure everyone’s safety, the 2021 Dinner must be cancelled.
We will return in 2022 with an Annual Dinner in February / March that will be an exceptional event similar to the one we were privileged to attend this year. Members will be aware that booking to attend this renowned dinner is conditional on being a paid-up member of the SEF.