Transforming a Terminal: Creating an Energy Hub
with Enquest's Donna Sutherland

Completed in 1981 the Sullom Voe terminal has long been part of the Energy story of the Shetland Islands. At the heart of an island community, its place in delivering future energy systems is essential to ensure the contuinued success of the region.


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Donna is a manager for EnQuest’s Infrastructure and New Energy business, driving the identification and delivery of new electrification, hydrogen-based decarbonisation solutions at Sullom Voe Terminal and offshore oil and gas assets. With almost two decades’ experience in the power and energy industries, Donna has a proven track record in delivering successful projects and leading high performing cross-functional teams. Donna, who joined EnQuest in 2017 after stints working TAQA, SSE Energy Supply and SSE E&P, is highly experienced at energy markets, energy regulation, power network, oil and gas terminal transformation and operational life-of-field strategies.


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