
We welcome membership applications from organisations and individuals alike with the membership season running from July 1st to June 30th each year.

We host regular events which are open to Members, all staff of Corporate Members, and their guests. We aim to provide an inclusive environment for respectful debate and a forum for sharing knowledge and experience.

If you joining after the Annual Dinner, membership will extend through the end of the following season at no additional cost. Corporate membership subscription is based on the overall size of the company.

Applicant Information

If you are registering on behalf of an organisation, please enter the applicants information in this section. You need not include a photo or LinkedIn link as you'll have the opportunity to add a logo and links for your organisation instead. In future, the email address entered here may be used to create a login to the website.

If registering as an individual, please enter your preferred professional contact information (this does not need to reference the organisation you work with). In future, the email you enter here may be used to create a login to the website.

Please select the appropriate type of membership to determine your membership fee. Honorary Members should have been previously agreed with the Scottish Energy Forum.

Organisation Information

If you're applying on behalf of an organisation there is some information we'll need that will help us set you up in our Member's Directory and allow us to determine the most appropriate membership tier for you also. Please fill in the information below before continuing to payment.

Please enter the size of your organisation as a whole.

Registration confirmation will be emailed to you.