“The Future of Hydrogen in Scotland”
- with Stuart Mckay (Head of Hydrogen Policy) Scottish Government
Scotland has a strong track record for advancing hydrogen technologies and demonstrating its production and use in island and mainland projects.
As a nation, we have the opportunity and capability to benefit from the transition away from fossil fuels and produce large volumes of clean hydrogen which will not only help reduce Scotland’s emissions and support meeting Scotland’s challenging greenhouse gas emissions targets, but will also allow Scotland to develop a role as an exporter of hydrogen to other partner nations and to create and protect jobs and provide economic benefit for Scotland. We have the resources, the assets, the people and the ambition to achieve this.
The Scottish Government published its Hydrogen Policy Statement in December 2020 committing to make hydrogen a key element of Scotland’s decarbonisation plans.
This session will describe and discuss the roles that hydrogen could play in our vital energy transition and the scale of economic growth and supply chain development which hydrogen presents.
Hydrogen – which emits no carbon dioxide – can be used as an alternative to natural gas to transfer and store energy and could replace fossil fuels in industrial processes, internal combustion engines and homes. £100 million funding will be invested in the Hydrogen sector in Scotland.
Scottish Government Hydrogen Policy Statement was published on 21st December 2020 with accompanying research:
• Scottish Hydrogen Assessment Report
• Scottish Offshore Wind to Green Hydrogen Opportunity Assessment
• Deep Decarbonisation Pathways for Scottish Industries Study
PDF - Stuart McKay Presentation Developing Scotlands Hydrogen Economy - Feb21
Thu 18 Feb 2021 | 5:00 PM - Video Conference
“The Future of Hydrogen in Scotland”, - with Stuart Mckay (Head of Hydrogen Policy) Scottish Government
By Video Conference
- Our Speaker
Stuart comes from a background of project and operational management in air, rail and road freight transport logistics. He has a Masters Degree in Business Administration and spent several years lecturing in project management, business policy and operations management.
He joined the Scottish Government in 2005 to manage major rail projects then moved into Energy Consents.
Stuart spent time as Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth before returning to the Scottish Government Energy Directorate as Head of CCS policy.
He is now Head of Hydrogen Policy for the Scottish Government and leading the development policy in this exciting and ambitious area.
- Arrangements
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak this event will now be delivered by webinar using the ‘Zoom’ Video Conferencing facility.
If using a workplace computer to connect, please ensure your organisation allows access to the ‘Zoom’ software or alternatively use your private email address to subscribe. Zoom is FREE and you can register here https://zoom.us/signup?zcid=1231
Delegates should register for the event using this page. Once your application is approved you will receive log-in details to join the webinar. We send these some 24hours beforehand to enable you to check the functionality. We strongly recommend you check the ‘Zoom’ connection before the broadcast.
Questions of our speaker will be handled by our Chair Nicola Gordon through the ‘Q&A’ facility on ‘Zoom’.
We ask all delegates to ‘mute’ their microphones to avoid background noise and disruptions to our speaker.
- Timings
4.50PM – Delegates join the webinar
5PM – Update from SEF Exec Sec.
5.05PM – Introduction of our speaker by Chair Nicola Gordon.
5.10PM – Presentation.
5.45PM – Q&A through Zoom . Managed by SEF Chair Nicola Gordon.
6.25PM – Vote of Thanks. - Booking Conditions
Please note that registering for an SEF event does not guarantee you a place until your request is processed and accepted by the SEF.
We will operate a ‘wait list’ if our events are over-subscribed with priority being given to paid-up members of the SEF.
During our events we actively encourage reasoned debate amongst the audience and with our invited speaker; however, we request that all participants are mindful and respectful to others points of view. Attendees who cannot abide by these simple houserules, or who disrupt proceedings or use defamatory remarks, will be invited to leave the presentation.
We reserve the right to refuse entry to those attendees who have not pre-registered.